Coaching Group : Learn VUE & PlantFactory
If you are starting to learn VUE and/or PlantFactory, getting a comprehensive understanding of the software can be difficult. Resources for learning can be spread across different video tutorials by different presenters, resulting in missing structure and organisation that can give a meandering learning experience.
VUE could be learned in a haphazard way, just with playing and prodding with the user interface, but it can lead to statements like this one:-
“When I try for realism, I can never quite get as close as I’d like. After 5 years, there’s still more to learn.”
VUE as well as PlantFactory deserves to be learned properly with powerful tools for 3D scenery generation.
It is notable software not just because it has been used by major studios such as DreamWorks and Warner Bros., but it has the ability to handle millions of polygons effectively for creating realistic natural environments.
Being able to create large terrains or even a whole planet’s worth of landscapes is an exciting starting point. Then adding a vast systems of trees and varied vegetation takes your artwork to another level. With the ability to add props and Poser/DAZ Studio characters adds to your power of producing eye catching stories.
Normally learning all of this takes time (years), but what if you had one of the most experienced users and teachers of VUE and PlantFactory working with you on a daily basis, coaching you with a planned program of learning?
This kind of education would provide a holistic learning experience, where your knowledge of VUE would be greatly advanced in a matter of weeks.
Join the coaching group with these benefits…
✔ Structured learning
✔ Accountability
✔ Taking action – “learning by doing”
✔ Collaborative learning environment
✔ Get feedback and support
✔ Diverse learning resources

There is a real benefit from getting interactive guidance for learning VUE, compared to watching videos or reading a manual.
Perhaps you are looking for an industry recognised expert that has produced hundreds of VUE tutorials, works directly with e-on software and has already assisted much of the VUE community with his work.
Imagine an experienced VUE artistcoaching you through every scenario, helping you understand every parameter or menu function, helping you avoid frustration and guiding you to create outstanding renders.
VUE also provides a lot of fun and if you’re working in a group that is reaching for that common goal of understanding, there’s a great experience to be had for quality camaraderie, feedback, support, and celebrating wins. Each of our coaching groups has experienced that (to a high level) in 2020.
This new VUE coaching program will be led by Vladimir Chopine from GeekAtPlay who is an expert on VUE.
Now he’s going to dedicate 8 weeks of his time on providing deep and comprehensive coaching for a group of students starting on Saturday the 25th of May.
Want to trial Vladimir as a trainer? Register for the Free introductory session
=> Click HERE to see what you’ll learn in Detail
Vue Application:
- All the new features in VUE 2024
- An overview of the application’s key functionalities and optimal use cases.
- Understanding the user interface and customization options.
- Hands-on experience in creating initial terrains.
- Exploring the Terrain Editor: Various terrain types and their optimal use in projects, utilizing the Terrain Editor, referencing terrain maps, infinite terrains, and planets. Introduction to the Function Editor.
- Atmosphere Editor: Different lighting types, the impact of lighting on the atmosphere, special effects, sun positioning, and using real-life references.
- Cloud Editor: Various cloud types, interactions between cloud layers, exploring the Function Editor and properties, and Meta clouds.
- Water surfaces: Properties, foam, and interactions with surfaces.
- Material Editor: An introduction to different materials.
- Ecosystem: Comparison of Global vs. Local ecosystems, interactive distributions, material layers, and layered ecosystem interactions. Introduction to Effectors.
- Particles, effectors, text, and primitive objects. Basic Boolean operations with objects.
- Introduction to light sources and modeling rocks.
- Basics of animation, including parent-child relationships and animation curves.
- Camera settings and basic rendering settings.
- Non-Photorealistic Rendering (NPR) settings.
- Plant Editor: Interaction with plants and TFP plants.
Plant Factory Application:
- All the new features in PlantFactory 2024
- An overview of the application’s interface.
- Modeling the initial plant and a tower.
- Environmental dependency.
- Texturing plants.
- Exporting plants and creating custom plant species.
- Understanding seasons, growth, and plant dynamics.
The PlantCatalog:
- An overview of the PlantCatalog and how to utilize plant collections effectively
Who is this Coaching Course for?
This coaching group is designed for beginners of VUE and PlantFactory and would also provide solid learning value for those have reached an intermediate stage with this software, wanting a comprehensive refresh.
It’s for artists wanting to create environmental 3D worlds for still images, animations, movie environments, and video games
Proven Experience
Vladimir Chopine : VUE Trainer and Coach
The founder of Geekatplay and with a background in film production and computer sciences, 3D graphic has long provided a passionate pursuit for Vladimir, with a particular specialism in VUE. Serving 3D digital artists across the world, he has created over 2000 tutorials on VUE, The PlantFactory, Photoshop, Terragen, World Machine and a whole range of digital art software.
Originally from Moscow, he lives with his wife Ami Chopin, who is a professional writer in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Paul Bussey : Group Facilitator
I have been inspiring, promoting, educating and connecting digital artists since 2010. I’ve published over 125 issues of our magazines 3D Art Direct, Digital Art Live and VISNews, with in-depth interviews of fantastic artists that inspire others with their work.
I’ve hosted and organised over 300 live events to educate digital artists. Our webinars provide an interactive, informative and fun experience for our community.
Recently we’ve created a dynamic, informative and connective forum for 3D digital artists.
During the Course What Will you Learn?
See the full curriculum above – but here’s a summary…
- The VUE user interface and making the most from it
- Discover the power of the terrain editor
- Get a solid foundation of the material editor
- Full utilisation of plants for generating a natural environment
- Ecosystems and making the most of this unique feature in VUE
- Creating attractive water scenes. Understand properties such as foam and interactions with other elements.
- Integrate particles, text, and primitive objects into scenes, including basic Boolean operations.
- Valuable tips for importing/exporting objects
- Creating stunning atmospheres and utilising clouds
- Render settings; optimisations and making the most of your hardware.
- Understanding and unlocking the function editor : overview
- Explore PlantFactory to model, texture, and export custom plants, understanding environmental influences and plant dynamics.
- Animation basics
During the Course – what will you Experience?
- Weekly live training and coaching to learn VUE comprehensively.
- Clarity from a VUE expert : Vladimir Chopine
- Shared active learning during sessions working on provided scenes
- Belong to a close-knit group of artists
- A private chat group and forum to keep the class connected every day
- Recognition of your progress and improvements
- Weekly challenges to help your strive and grow throughout the course
What other coaching group members are saying
Working with Paul and Digital Art Live has given me such a fresh approach upon my art. From a friendly and welcoming environment, to a supporting and cohesive set of tutors and support. Going on the Studio Mastery Course was the biggest leap of faith I have taken with regards to artistic endeavours, and I do not regret a single moment of it. Paul is a wonderful host and lead for the courses and demonstrates the ability to nurture people of all skill levels and help them blossom into the creative delights that they wish to be. I would pick up another course like this in a heartbeat to continue my journey and growth through the creative landscape of my mind.
Ian Franklin
My experience with Esha and your program for learning rigging is beyond phenomenal. I came in with the impression that this was going to be a quick tutorial on how to setup basic technical settings on how to do a basic rig in DAZ Studio. Boy was I wrong! In a good way! Every time we set up a session, I am blown away by how much detail and problem solving Esha’s sessions go into! I would not have imagined the advanced techniques and attention to detail she brings into each session! I’ve heard a few students call this information priceless, and I agree 100%. The chat rooms are so full of information! Just reading people’s questions and people’s responses, it’s an invaluable time saver! When I read the questions and their solutions it reminds me, “I would have had to go thru those hiccups myself, and there’s the solution!”. The chat room creates a great sense that you’re not alone, and it gives you a freedom to test things out and get into “trouble”. I am more than satisfied with this course. It has surpassed my expectations and more! I highly, highly recommend this type of session to anyone!
David Aguilera
Here’s How it Works
8 weeks of Support and Training
The group will run from the beginning of May to the end of June. Each week we’ll have a Zoom webinar meeting (up to 1.5 hours) composed of training , coaching and follow up. The topics of these training sessions will be based on the above, but we’ll pay special attention to coaching you through your sticking points. We’ll provide you with certain scenes for project work so that everyone is on the same page as we learn VUE. In our live meetings everyone will share wins, goals, and challenges to get support, accountability, and feedback from the group and guidance from us.
Private online forum to interact between live webinars
Any time you need some input or encouragement, you can turn to the private forum on a daily basis to connect with other group members. We’ve found that the private group forum area is a powerful connecting tool to keep the conversation going between the weekly meetings. This extends the benefits of the coaching group beyond the mastermind and workshop calls.
VIP Add-On
If you would like additional resources, there’s a VIP add-on option that gives you the following in addition to everything above:-
- An additional two teaching sessions with Vladimir, learning more advanced aspects of VUE.
- Mastering ecosystems
- Mastering atmospheres
- 18 hour VUE video course library by Vladimir Chopine
- 12 session educational course on VUE
- See here for what it contains
- Search for any keyword or phrase spoken in the course
- GeekAtPlay VUE Mega Content Set : materials, atmospheres and 3D models for VUE
- All the models are unlocked and are VOB files, ready to use in your version of VUE (current and older versions).
- 110 items